Feb 09, 2025
PTA 263 - Orthopedic Therapy Lab Credits: 3 The study of therapeutic exercise, manual techniques, principles of tissue healing, orthopedic pathology and common diagnostic procedures in relationship to orthopedic conditions encountered in the practice of physical therapy.
Enrollment Requirement: PTA 210 and PTA 260 with grades of 2.0 or higher; and concurrent enrollment in PTA 213 .
Course Outcomes: Students who successfully complete this class will be able to:
- Select, develop, implement and modify progress comprehensive physical therapy interventions per plan of care per PT evaluations.
- Select, implement, and instruct the patient in strengthening, stretching, and ROM programs for stated muscle groups/joints of the spine and extremities using manual and/or mechanical forces.
- Select, develop, implement and progress programs for the spine and extremities when given a protocol, plan of care or treatment goals.
- Implement selected manual techniques for the extremities and spine.
- Utilize screening tools to gather data about muscle groups/joints comprehensive intervention.
- State and incorporate the general guidelines, precautions/contraindications for treatment of selected orthopedic conditions and surgical interventions.
- Select and Perform a comprehensive orthopedic intervention programs, including progression, when given a protocol, plan of care or treatment goals.
- Educate/instruct a patient or family member in a home portion of an intervention plan.
- Select and perform selective orthopedic screening tests/tools and document findings.
- Recognize the presence of post-operative precautions and incorporate into intervention.
- Describe rationale for selected orthopedic interventions and the expected response.
Program Outcomes
- Implement plans of care developed by physical therapists.
- Provide care in a safe, legal and ethical manner.
- Communicate effectively and appropriately with patients, families, physical therapists and other care providers both verbally and non‐verbally including accurate written communication and documentation.
- Instruct patients, families and other health care providers using techniques consistent with the level of the audience.
- Function as integral team members and participate in the team process.
- Transition to successful employment as PTAs.
College-wide Outcomes
- Critical Thinking - Critical thinking finds expression in all disciplines and everyday life. It is characterized by an ability to reflect upon thinking patterns, including the role of emotions on thoughts, and to rigorously assess the quality of thought through its work products. Critical thinkers routinely evaluate thinking processes and alter them, as necessary, to facilitate an improvement in their thinking and potentially foster certain dispositions or intellectual traits over time.
- Responsibility - Responsibility encompasses those behaviors and dispositions necessary for students to be effective members of a community. This outcome is designed to help students recognize the value of a commitment to those responsibilities which will enable them to work successfully individually and with others.
- Written Communication - Written Communication encompasses all the abilities necessary for effective expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas in written form.
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