97 Credits
This pre-professional degree prepares students to transfer to a college or university program as juniors in several Natural Resources areas. By developing academic skills in mathematics, science, English, humanities, and natural resource courses, the student can transfer directly into a professional program such as natural resources management, forest engineering, or wildlife biology. Selected natural resource courses will transfer to these four-year programs.
While this program of study is designed to transfer to most four-year professional programs in Natural Resources or closely related fields, you should consult the catalog of the school to which you plan to transfer. The university catalog requirements will provide the guidance for substitutions and be approved by the Natural Resources instructor/advisor. Some professional schools require a foreign language.
Natural Resources instructor advising required for this degree, due to the irregularities of different college and university requirements.
Contacts: Monica Priebe, ext. 4509 - mpriebe@greenriver.edu, Chuck Wytko, ext. 4950 - cwytko@greenriver.edu
Program Website: Natural Resources | https://www.greenriver.edu/students/academics/degrees-programs/natural-resources/