Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Early Childhood Education: Infant and Child Mental Health, BAS

180 Credits

Green River College’s Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Early Childhood Education: Infant and Child Mental Health (ICMH) will provide graduates with skills and abilities to examine the foundations of development and the importance of relationships to the social and emotional well-being of infants, toddlers, and young children as well as quality relationships and environments that foster growth in all developmental domains-social and emotional, cognitive/linguistic, and physical. It is designed to provide relevant training to those working with vulnerable families and children including early care and education providers, home visitors, child health providers, early interventionists, and other related fields. The specialized training in infant/child mental health will enable these individuals to work better with children and families, responding to the emerging needs of the diverse populations that they serve.

The BAS in Early Childhood-ICMH enables individuals with applied associate degrees in Early Childhood Education to combine their lower-division technical or transfer preparation courses with upper-division credits. The result is a unique, specialized, BAS degree. The BAS in Early Childhood-ICMH also combines the breadth and academic rigor required for students who wish to continue their studies at the Master’s level.

Entry Requirements:

The entry requirements for the BAS in Infant Child Mental Health provide access to students from both academic transfer and career and technical programs. These entry requirements also ensure that prospective students are prepared for success once they enter the program. Entry requirements are:

Completion of these courses will provide the foundation necessary for seamless entry into the BAS in Early Childhood-ICMH and will be included in the 180 credit requirement.

Contacts: Leslie Kessler,

Program Website: Early Childhood Education |

Graduation Requirement

Completion of an associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university.

Program Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

  1. Apply relationship-based principles and strategies that support young children and families.
  2. Assess and analyze children’s development, skills, and behavior based on culturally and developmentally appropriate practices.
  3. Design and create inclusive environments that promote social/emotional learning and are responsive to the needs of all children and families including those considered vulnerable.
  4. Select and apply appropriate intervention strategies for classroom management while promoting a positive emotional climate that is reflective of and responsive to the culture being served.
  5. Screen, assess, and identify children with mental health challenges.
  6. Demonstrate leadership abilities and collaborative skills necessary to resolve interpersonal and organizational challenges that may occur in an early childhood setting.
  7. Establish and maintain connections with appropriate support services and community resources.
  8. Demonstrate the ability to engage in reflective observation, consultation, and practice, and possess the ability to integrate it into the early learning setting.
  9. Advocate for families and young children through service, education, and leadership.

General Education Requirements (60 credits)

Communication Skills (10 credits)

Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning Skills (5 credits)

Math in which MATH 97  is a prerequisite

Humanities/Fine Arts/English (10 credits)

5 credits of Humanities/Fine Arts/English Distribution  courses and one of the CMST courses below (no additional CMST other than 1 of the courses below).

Social Sciences (10 credits)

Social Science Distribution  courses.

Natural Sciences (10 credits)

5 credits Natural Science List A-Lab Science for the Natural Science Distribution and 5 credits from either List A or B.

Required Additional Credits (60 credits)

Last Revised
