Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Associate in Biology, DTA/MRP

Minimum 90 Credits

Associate in Biology Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program encompasses some general education courses required of first- and second-year students and is intended to prepare students planning to transfer to a university in Biology. It will give students the broad background needed before beginning more specialized, upper-division courses. The curriculum is not intended to fulfill General Education/University (GER/GUR) requirements, but to prepare prospective transfer science students to enter the state universities with junior standing, not only in credits but also with major/program preparation, with an emphasis on data collection and inquiry-based student research.

See Articulation Agreements  for more details about the colleges who accept this degree.

To earn this degree, students must complete 90-quarter credits in courses numbered 100 or above (from approved distribution list below) and meet specific distribution requirements. No more than 25 percent of credit requirements may be taken on a pass/no credit basis. Students should be aware that courses with “Pass” grades may not satisfy the requirements in their major field. Students must attain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0, and earn a minimum of 24 credits at Green River College.

Students are responsible for knowing transfer requirements and policies, as well as specific course choices and GPA requirements, and are urged to consult the catalog of the institution for which they plan to transfer. Note that admission to specific upper division Biology programs may be competitive; therefore, no particular GPA can guarantee admission to any specific program.

Schools accepting the Biology DTA/MRP:

Public Four-Year/Research

University of Washington

Washington State University

Public Four-Year/Comprehensive

Central Washington University

Eastern Washington University

The Evergreen State College

Western Washington University

Independent/Private Four-Year

Saint Martin’s University

Seattle Pacific University

Seattle University

Whitworth University

1. Basic Skills (15 credits)

Any course used to satisfy Basic Skills distribution may not be used to satisfy any other portion of the degree requirements.

A. Communication Skills (10 credits)

Courses in this area support the written communication learning outcome.

After consultation with a science advisor

Five additional credits are recommended from the following:

B. Quantitative Skills/Symbolic Reasoning (5 credits)

Courses in this area support the quantitative and symbolic reasoning learning outcome.

2. Humanities/Fine Arts/English (15 Credits)

Minimum 15 credits of Humanities/Fine Arts/English Distribution courses from three separate areas. No more than 5 credits in foreign language at the 100 level. No more than 5 credits in performance/skills courses.

In order to better prepare for successful transfer, students are encouraged to consult with the institution(s) to which they wish to transfer regarding the courses that best support or may be required as prerequisites to their biology curriculum.

3. Social Science (15 credits)

Minimum 15 credits of Social Science Distribution courses from three separate areas or minimum 15 credits from two separate areas with a 200-level course required within the two course emphasis.

In order to better prepare for successful transfer, students are encouraged to consult with the institution(s) to which they wish to transfer regarding the courses that best support or may be required as prerequisites to their biology curriculum.

4. Natural Science (36 credits)

It is strongly suggested that student beginning their science sequence complete it at the originating college.

B. Biology (18 credits)

BIOL& 211 must be taken before BIOL& 212 or 213.

5. Electives (9 credits)

All courses numbered 100 or higher, with the exception of Basic Skills and no more than 3 credits Physical Education may be taken as elective. Additional credits should be planned in consultation with an advisor.

Transferability of Credits

Green River College is fully accredited. Academic courses will usually be accepted by other institutions offering the same (or similar) courses. However, each institution has its own transfer policies and each student is responsible for knowing the transfer and admission requirements of the receiving institution. Students are urged to consult with their advisor and a representative from the college they plan to attend after Green River.