Jan 14, 2025  
2017-2019 Catalog Addendum 
2017-2019 Catalog Addendum [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Getting Started

Apply for Admission

Part 1: Apply Online
Part 2: Begin Orientation
  • Begin the online orientation at orientation.greenriver.edu.
  • This orientation helps prepare you for success at Green River.
  • Questions? Contact the Career & Advising Center at (253) 833-9111, Ext. 2641 or nsar@greenriver.edu.​

Ways to Pay for College

Part 1: Explore Funding Options
  • Find all options for funding your education at greenriver.edu/payforcollege, including:
    • FAFSA or WAFSA
    • Workforce Education
    • Scholarships
    • Veterans benefits
    • the STEP payment plan
  • Financial aid priority processing dates: fall (March 15); winter (Oct. 15); spring (Jan. 15); summer (April 15)
  • Questions? Contact Financial Aid at 253-833-9111, Ext. 2449 or finaid@greenriver.edu

Determine Course Placement

Part 1: Check Requirements
  • All degrees require an assessment of a student’s skill level in reading, writing and math through various placement options.
  • Some certificate programs do not require placement, connect with the Welcome Desk if you are pursuing a certificate program.
Part 2: Placement
  • Visit greenriver.edu/placement for more information on:
    • Placement options including high school and college level coursework and assessments, and Green River placement assessments.
    • Preparation resources for Green River assessments.
    • Submitting documents for other options.
  • Placement assessments are available on a drop-in basis at the Assessment & Testing Center and by appointment at the Enumclaw or Kent campus.
  • Questions? Contact the Welcome Desk at 253-833-9111, Ext. 6000 or gettingstarted@greenriver.edu.

Complete Student Orientation

Part 1: Online
Part 2: In-person
  • Sign up for an in-person orientation at greenriver.edu/nsar.
  • Registration for first quarter classes will take place at the in-person oreintation as well as assignment to your advisor.
  • Questions? Contact the Career & Advising Center at 253-833-9111, Ext. 2641 or gettingstarted@greenriver.edu.


Who Can Apply?

Admission to the college is open to anyone who has a high school diploma, High School Equivalency Certificate, or is at least 18 years old. Green River welcomes people of all income levels, backgrounds and previous educational experience. Students who do not meet these requirements should see the Age Exception policy  in the Academic Information section of this catalog.

When Should You Apply?

Students who plan to start classes fall quarter may apply any time beginning Dec. 1 of the preceding year. Students who complete the entry process first, get to register first, so applying early is an advantage. Students who plan to begin their studies winter, spring or summer quarter may apply any time prior to the beginning of that quarter.

Students may begin most programs any quarter, but some career/technical programs begin fall quarter only. See area of interest in the Programs of Study  section of this catalog to determine program entry times.

How Do You Apply?

Students may apply for admission:

After the college has processed the application, students will be emailed an acceptance letter to their Green River email account within two business days of receiving their student identification number (SID). The letter or email will include their student identification number and important informational links guiding them through the getting started process.

Application for Readmission

Students who have not attended Green River for at least one quarter may reapply online, on the first floor of the Student Affairs and Success Center, or by calling Enrollment Services. Once their record has been updated, they will be assigned a registration time two weeks prior to the start of the quarter. Only students who have earned credit at Green River in the past are eligible to register as returning students.

Health Sciences Special Admission Requirements

Practical Nursing, Nurse Assistant Certificate, Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant programs have special admission requirements to ensure student success. Students need to refer to the Programs of Study section in this catalog for individual program requirements. For more information, contact the Career and Advising Center at ext. 2641.

The Health Sciences programs comply with the “Child/Adult Abuse Information Act,” RCW 43.43.830-43.43.840. Each Health Sciences student is required to submit to a background investigation for criminal history information prior to entry into the program.

International Students


Qualified international students are admitted to Green River College each of the four academic quarters. International student applicants should submit an international application no later than five to six weeks prior to the beginning of the academic quarter for which they want admission to the college. The admissions process must be completed before the International Programs office will issue the Certificate of Eligibility Form I-20.

On the basis of their educational background and knowledge of the English language, international students may be admitted either to the college’s academic or career/technical programs or to the Intensive English program.

Second Language Program (IESL) Application Requirements

  • Must be a high school graduate or at least 16 years of age;
  • Complete an international application for admission and submit it to Green River’s International Programs office;
  • Send a $50 application fee;
  • Submit one of the following as a statement of financial support for one full year of study in the United States:
    1. Personal or family sponsored: Bank statement, certification of wages, or similar statement of financial resources
    2. Government or company scholarship: Official sponsorship letter
    3. Sponsor living in the United States; Notarized I-134 sponsorship document

Transfer-In Students

Admission of students transferring from other colleges is regulated by the same academic standards that apply to other Green River students. Transfer students are required to indicate all previous college work when they complete the application process.

Students transferring credits from other institutions and those who have military experience or advanced placement credit must provide the Enrollment Services Office with official transcripts in a sealed envelope, along with a transcript evaluation request form.

Records become the property of Green River and will not be returned to students. Students will be notified by email when their transcript evaluation has been completed. This correspondence will become part of the student’s official record.

It is to the incoming student’s advantage to request a transcript evaluation as early as possible. Registration access times at Green River are calculated on a credit-earned basis. Evaluated (accepted) credits will be used to assign an earlier registration access time after students have attended their first quarter at Green River. A transcript evaluation must be completed by the credentials evaluator prior to the next quarter’s registration in order for students to get an earlier registration access time.

Student Email Addresses

Students are automatically assigned a Green River email account. The college will use this email address for official communication with all students. Official college policy requires every student to read their Green River email account regularly. Students may set up their accounts by visiting greenriver.edu/StudentEmail and following the instructions listed.



Most courses require an assessment of a student’s skill level in reading, writing and/or math to ensure students are prepared to successfully complete the course. Placement in reading, English, and math courses can be determined through various means including: the College Success Reading assessment, WAMAP math entrance exam, high school transcripts, college transcripts, Smarter Balance Assessment, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and the placement reciprocity process.

For more detailed information, available review materials and eligibility requirements for each placement option, please visit greenriver.edu/placement. Questions regarding student placement should be directed to the Career and Advising at (253) 833-9111, ext. 2641 or gettingstarted@greenriver.edu.

College Success Reading Assessment

The College Success Reading assessment is the first step for many new students to determine course eligibility. There is a fee of $10 each time, payable at the time of the assessment. It is available on a drop-in basis at the Assessment and Testing Center or by appointment at the Enumclaw and Kent campuses. For more information visit greenriver.edu/testing or call the Assessment and Testing Center at (253) 833-9111 ext. 2650.

WAMAP Math Entrance Exam

Students may wish to place into a specific math class through an entrance exam. This computerized assessment utilizes the Washington Mathematics Assessment and Placement (WAMAP) system. WAMAP has a fee of $10 per level and students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the system prior to attempting the exam.

High School Transcripts

Recent graduates from specific school districts may be eligible to use high school transcripts for placement in math, English and other courses. Unofficial transcripts may be used for placement purposes.

College Transcripts

Students who have previously completed courses at another college or university may be eligible to use those transcripts for placement into a variety of courses. Unofficial transcripts that include the student’s name and name of institution may be used for placement purposes at Career and Advising; however official transcripts and submission of a Transcript Evaluation Request to Enrollment Services will be required for credits to be applied toward degree requirements.

Smarter Balanced Assessment

Recent graduates and prospective Running Start students of Washington State school districts may be eligible to use their High School Smarter Balanced Assessment scores for placement in math and English courses as well as any course for which they meet the math and/or English prerequisites.

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) credits

Students who have taken the AP examination or earned IB credits in certain subjects may be able to use those for placement. (See Advanced Placement table  and International Baccalaureate table  in the academic information section for more information.)

Placement Reciprocity Policy

A student who qualifies for a specific level of pre-college math, English or reading, either through course completion or local skills assessment, will have that course placement level honored at another Washington CTC if the student so requests, even if the courses may not be exact equivalents. A student who qualifies for entry into college-level math, English, or reading, either through course completion or local skills assessment, will be considered to have met the entry college-level standard at every community and technical college. Students requesting reciprocity must initiate the process within one year of their placement assessment.

Placement in Foreign Language Courses

Beginning students or those with one year or less of a high school language begin in foreign language courses numbered &121 unless otherwise placed by a foreign language instructor.

Students who have taken more than one year of a high school foreign language may be able to use their High School transcript for placement at Career and Advising.

Students who have taken a college-level foreign language should continue the sequence.

Students transferring to a four-year institution should know the foreign language requirements at the school of their choice.

Money For College

If paying for college expenses is a concern, Green River offers multiple funding assistance programs. Green River’s philosophy is that people should have the opportunity to achieve their educational goals, regardless of income. Grant, loan, work-study and agency funded programs may be available for those who qualify for assistance. For more information on funding options please visit greenriver.edu/MoneyForCollege.

How to Apply for Financial Aid


Students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at FAFSA.gov or WASFA at readysetgrad.org by March 15 to receive funding the following fall quarter. Applications completed after March 15 will be awarded only if funds remain available.

Students need to re-apply for financial aid each year.

Students will be notified of any financial aid award by mail and email. Award notifications will be mailed beginning in June and continue throughout the year. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Green River College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, disability, genetic information or on any other unlawful basis. The college is committed to preventing and stopping discrimination, including harassment of any kind and any associated retaliatory behavior.


To be eligible for financial assistance through federal and state programs, a student must:

  • Have a high school diploma or GED.
  • Be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program.
  • Meet satisfactory academic progress standards.
  • Not owe a refund on any federal grant or be in default on a federal student loan.
  • Register for selective service, if male and age 18 or older; and not recently convicted of possession or sale of a controlled substance (illegal drugs).


The Green River College Foundation offers more than 300 scholarships to new and returning students each year. Scholarship criteria can range from areas such as talent, academics, career interest and program of study or leadership to a need basis or single parent status. In addition, the Financial Aid Office provides scholarship search resources, scholarship listings and applications from off-campus.

Financial Aid Programs


Federal Pell Grant

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Washington State Need Grant

State Tuition Waiver

Brief Description

A federal grant program for undergraduate students.

A federal grant program for undergraduate students.

A state grant program for undergraduate students.

A state program to cover tuition costs.

Employment Programs

Federal Work-Study


A federal program to provide employment opportunities for students on or off campus.

Loan Programs

Federal Direct Loan

Federal Direct Plus Loan

A federal loan program with deferred repayment and fixed interest rates.


A federal loan program for parents of dependent students with a fixed interest rate.


Green River Foundation Scholarships


A variety of scholarships funded by the Green River Foundation.

Agency Funded Programs

A variety of funding options are addressed on Agency-Funded Programs


Many agency funded programs are available including, but not limited to, veteran’s benefits and funding for low-income students.

Agency-Funded Programs

Students working with agencies such as Labor and Industries, Workforce Training, Work Source, Trade Readjustment Act, or other agencies that are assisting in the funding of tuition, fees, books and supplies, should go to the Financial Aid Office to turn in paperwork.

Veteran’s Benefits

VA Educational Benefits

Selected academic programs of study at Green River College are approved by the Washington Student Achievement Council’s State Approving Agency (WSAC/SAA) and/or the Workforce Training Education Coordinating Board (WTECB) for enrollment of persons eligible to receive educational benefits Chapters 30, 33 and 35, under Title 38 and Chapters 1606 under Title 10, U.S. Code. In addition, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefits - Training and Rehabilitation for veterans with service connected disabilities under Title 38, U.S. Code, Chapter 31 are also accepted at Green River.

The Code of Federal Regulations (38 CFR 21.4201) states that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) shall not approve the enrollment of an y VA-eligible person, not already enrolled, in any course for any perios during which more than 85 percent of the students enrolled in the course are having all or part of their tuition, fees or other charges paid to or for them by an educational institution of the VA. VA is requesting that you provide this information within 30 days of this request.

In-state and/or reduced tuition rates may be available to veterans that meet specific state requirements. For more informaion please visit Enrollment Services with a copy of your DD 214.

Veterans may also be eligible for priority registrtion. Individuals must meet the established eligibility criteria and submit a copy of their DD 214 to Enrollment Services.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment - Chapter 31

Veterans utilizing their CH 31 Vocational Rehabilitation benefits must work directly with their VA Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Voc Rehab counselor will send GRC the necessary authorization paperwork to activate your benefits.

Military Tuition Assistance Programs

Active Duty Military personnel and their eligible spouses may access Department of Defense sponsored Tuition Assistance Programs [Military Tuition Assistance (TA) or My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA)] for education pursued at Green River College. Students are advised to initiate contact with these resources early in the enrollment process to ensure payment authorization is in place by the time tuition is due. Please visit or call the Cashiers Office (x2050) for further information.

Evaluation of Prior Credit / Military Experience

Prior credits earned from other institutions, as well as military education and training (which may or may not result in academic credit) must be submitted and evaluated by the end of the third quarter of enrollment at Green River College. If classes are certified to the Department of Veterans of Affairs for payment of education benefits that are not required in your academic program of study after prior transcripts are evaluated, the classes will be decertified and a debt may be owed to the VA and/or Green River College. Failure to request official transcripts and military credits and have those credits evaluated by the end of the 3rd quarter will result in suspension of VA benefits.

Academic Standards

The law requires that education benefits to veterans and other eligible dependents be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward completion of his or her program of study. To meet SAP, a student receiving VA educational benefits must earn an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher each quarter and earn all eligible credits certified to the VA. If a student does not meet SAP, he or she will be placed on probation status. If a student on probation status does not make satisfactory academic progress, the student will be in termination status. On termination status, a student’s education benefits are suspended. To remove the suspension, the student must self-reinstate their benefits by completing a term on their own, enrolled in at least ¾ time, and meet SAP for that term. There is a one-time opportunity to appeal the suspension. If the appeal is approved, the student will be certified for one more quarter. If the student does not make satisfactory academic progress during an appealed quarter, the student will have to self-reinstate their benefits.

Academic Program Revisions

Federal regulations prevent the VA/SAA from approving programs that include training that the Secretary of VA deems “avocational” or “recreational.” Private pilot training has been determined, by the VA, to fit this definition, therefore Green River College may no longer approve VA education benefits for programs that include private pilot training.

Students using VA education benefits may do so within the Professional Pilot Associate in Applied Science (AAS) and/or Commercial Pilot Option degrees. The Comercial Pilot Fixed Wing Pilot Option AAS is not approved for VA education benefits.

WorkFirst Tuition Assistance

WorkFirst helps people in need learn job-specific skills so that they can earn a better living. Participants who qualify for WorkFirst can receive financial aid to pay for tuition, books, and fees.

Opportunity Grant

The Opportunity Grant funds tuition, fees, and money for books for low-income students in specific, state-approved career paths, as well as for undecided students who begin their studies in one of the approved paths.

Worker Retraining

Worker Retraining is a partnership of community and technical colleges and the Washington State Employment Security Department. It provides job training for both unemployed workers and those who face imminent layoffs.

With commissioner approval, Worker Retraining students can enroll in career/technical training, continue to draw the unemployment benefits to which they are entitled, and stop seeking work if it interferes with classes or studies. In addition, students who have been self-employed or consider themselves displaced homemakers may qualify for Worker Retraining assistance.

Tuition Payment Plan

Our Student Tuition Easy Payment Plan (STEP) allows students to pay for their classes on an installment basis.

College Costs

In estimating college costs, students will need to include amounts for tuition, special fees, books, supplies, transportation, and living expenses.

Textbooks and supplies can cost up to $500 or more per quarter, depending on the program. Textbook prices are subject to change without notice.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are set by the state legislature and are subject to change.

See the Tuition Rates chart below. Current tuition rates are published in the quarterly class schedule.

Tuition Rates
Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Washington State Legislature.
Washington Resident Rates Non-Washington Resident Rates International and Contract Rates
Per credit charge (1-10 credits) $107.59 $121.73 $287.50
Per credit charge (11-18 credits) $53.26 $54.00 $200.40
Per credit charge (19 credits and over), except as noted below for those who qualify. $96.53 $110.67 $273.95
Career/Technical surcharge for more than 18 credits (per credit) $53.26 $54.00 $60.48
* Veterans per credit charge (1-10 credits) $96.83 N/A N/A
* Veterans per credit charge (11-18 credits) $53.26 N/A N/A
* Veterans surcharge for more than 18 credits (per credit) $96.53 N/A N/A
High School completion age 19 and over (per credit - up to 18 credits) $12.00 $107.59 $287.00

* See Enrollment Services Office for specific guidelines. Copy of DD214 required.

NOTE: Students auditing classes pay regular tuition and fees.

Non-Washington Residents and INS-approved permanent residents are eligible for this waiver while establishing their Washington state residency.

International and other-Visa classifications that are not eligible to establish residency, including international students.

Other Fees

A special services fee of 50 cents per credit is applied to all credits.

A technology fee of $5 per credit to a maximum of 12 credits, not to exceed $60. This fee was established by a student vote to cover the cost of equipment, printing, and tech support for the Technology Center.

A facilities fee of $20.25 minimum for 1 to 5 credits, and $4.05 per credit after 5 credits, no maximum.

A late fee of $35 per class will be applied to all classes added after the 10th day of the quarter.

A student center fee of a flat $45. This fee was established by a student vote to cover the cost of a new student center).

Special fees (All fees are subject to change)
Cap and gown, tassel $25  
Locker fee (refundable) $7.50  
STEP $25  
Transcript fee online $10  
Transcript fee in person, on demand $25  
Special Courses
Parent-Child Education $20 per credit  
Basic Skills $25 per quarter  
Apprenticeship $54 per credit  

Student Financial Obligations

All outstanding amounts resulting from nonpayment of tuition and fees are the responsibility of the student. Withdrawal from school, officially or unofficially, will not cancel any financial obligation already incurred. Failure to pay all financial obligations may result in debts being turned over to a collection agency. Collection fees, including attorney fees and other charges necessary for the collection of any amount due, will be added to the student’s account balance. Students who default on any financial obligations to Green River College are responsible for collection fees, attorney fees, court fees, and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the collection of any debt, in accordance with RCW 28B.10.293 and RCW 19.16.500.

Advising And Registration

Online Orientation

New students receive access to online orientation immediately following their admission to Green River College. Access to this orientation is sent as a link to the new student’s Green River and personal email addresses. Online orientation guides students through several informational modules which cover the fundamentals of not only attending Green River College, but strategies for success as a college student. Completion of the orientation is a critical first step for new students in the getting started process. Once completed, students are guided through the next steps including: placement, advising and first quarter registration.

Entry Advising

New students meet with an advisor in the Career and Advising Center to determine placement after completing a placement assessment or if they are utilizing another means of course placement. (See earlier in the Getting Started section for more placement information.) In this session, students understand their course placement in reading, English, and math courses as well as their program requirements in these subjects. Additionally, funding options and appropriate next steps such as reassessment options, meeting with faculty, attending an information session, and attending an Advising and Registration session are addressed. During entry advising, students are assigned an advisor appropriate to their program of study for future assistance.

Future Quarter Advising

All students new to Green River should reach out to their assigned advisor for a first quarter advising appointment.  At this appointment, students work with their faculty or professional advisor to co-create an educational plan. Educational plans provide students with projected quarterly schedules of courses required for their intended degree or certificate. Plans can help students with the sequencing of required courses as well as an idea of the estimated length of time to complete their degree or certificate.

Students who are undecided on their degree or program should take time to explore their interests by taking a career assessment and meet with a Career Specialist in the Career and Advising Center.  Students may make an appointment with the specialist by contacting the Career and Advising Center at 253-833-9111 ext. 2641 or visit us in SA 104.

Beyond the first quarter, advising is an important service to students. Full-time faculty members, educational planners and other trained staff serve as advisors to help students set educational goals. Advisors will provide information about classes, programs, and educational support services. Participation in advising will provide students with individualized attention needed to discuss goals, select classes, and meet with knowledgeable faculty in their field of study.

Although advisors are available to assist with program planning, it is the student’s responsibility to be informed about degree or program requirements and college policies. Students who intend to transfer to a four-year college should take time to learn about that school’s requirements.

To make the advising experience work, students should:
  • Get to know their advisor and visit with them at least once a quarter, if not more often. This person is available to help students succeed, so take advantage of this resource.
  • Determine the classes they need to complete their educational goals.
  • Ask their advisor to help co-create an educational plan and timetable.
  • If transferring to a four-year college or university, identify the school(s) as early as possible and carefully review their website and transfer requirements. College catalogs, transfer guides and other college information are available for student use in the Career and Advising Center.


Registration is the process by which students schedule classes for upcoming quarters. Dates to register for classes are announced by the college each quarter and are published in the quarterly class schedule and the Green River website.

Students may view their registration access time online at Registration Access Time.

Green River College reserves the right to deny admission to, or cancel the registration of, any individual whose attendance would not be of mutual benefit to the individual and the college.

Credit Load

A student must enroll for a minimum of 12 credits to be considered a full-time student for financial aid, insurance or other programs. A full-time student will enroll for an average of 15 to 18 credits each quarter.

If students are enrolled in a career/technical degree or certificate program, a load of 25 credits is the maximum for which they may register per quarter. Students must have permission from an administrator for a credit overload.

If students are not in a career/technical program and wish to enroll for more than 20 credits, they must complete a Student Request for Credit Overload form and obtain special permission from their advisor and from an administrator. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for their requests to be considered.

If students are heavily involved in extracurricular activities, they may want to limit themselves to a 12-credit load. Twelve credits is the normal requirement for eligibility in the activity program at Green River and the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges.

When to Register

Currently enrolled students are assigned registration access times determined by the number of credits earned at Green River, and transferred-in credits from other institutions that have been evaluated by Green River. Registration dates are listed in the quarterly class schedule and on the Green River website. Registration access times are posted two weeks prior to the start of registration.

Students may view their registration access time through our website at greenriver.edu/online, then “Registration Access Time.”

New student registration begins following the currently enrolled student registration cycle. New students who have an application on file will automatically be assigned a registration access time. New students are eligible to register upon completion of their SOAR session.

Advising is required for students their first quarter.

Online Registration

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Each student’s PIN is a randomly assigned number. He or she will be assigned a PIN once they have completed their SOAR session.

To change student pin via the web:

Online Services

In addition to registering, the web offers a variety of inquiry options.

On greenriver.edu/online the options available are:

  • Apply Now
  • Class Finder
  • Register for Classes
  • Academic Calendar
  • Registration Access Time
  • Class Schedule Information
  • Course Descriptions
  • Degree Audit
  • Ed Plan
  • Grades & Unofficial Transcript
  • Make a Payment
  • My Advisor
  • My SID
  • Official Transcript
  • Register to Vote
  • Schedule Viewer
  • Student Address, Contact Information and Prederred Name Change
  • Student email & password reset
  • Student PIN Changer
  • Tax Credit Information
  • Virtual Desktop
  • Waitlist Manager

Last Day To Register

Students must register by the third day of classes, except for summer quarter, when students must register by the second day of classes. The only exceptions to this rule are identified late-start classes and those classes categorized as continuous enrollment, as indicated by the Curriculum Office.

Please note, a late fee of $35 per class will be applied to all classes added after the tenth day of the quarter.

No-Show Replacement

The No-Show Replacement form is used when a class is at full capacity, a student is registered but not attending, and another student is attending the class waiting to register. If a student misses the first class session without notifying the instructor, the instructor may complete the No-Show Replacement form allowing another student entry into the class and the student not attending may be submitted as a no-show. If submitted as a no-show, the student will be dropped from the class roster by Enrollment Services.

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

Credit Classes

The refund period for fall, winter and spring quarter is the first 15 calendar days of the quarter. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the college or from individual courses. Students must withdraw online or submit a withdrawal/change of schedule form to guarantee the accuracy of their permanent records and to begin refund procedures when applicable. The student may receive a refund under the following conditions:

  • 100 percent refund of tuition and fees - when courses or programs are cancelled by the college.
  • 100 percent refund of tuition and fees - through the fifth instructional class day of the quarter when a student officially withdraws from class.
  • 40 percent refund of tuition only (no fees will be refunded after the 100 percent refund period ends) - when official withdrawal occurs after the fifth instructional day of the quarter through the end of the refund period (see next bullet).
  • No refunds - after the 15th calendar day of the quarter. The 15th calendar day is the end of the refund period.
  • Short-term classes - 100 percent refund of tuition and fees - when official withdrawal occurs prior to or on the first day of class only. Short-term classes are indicated by dates published with the class listing.
  • Refunds of less than ten dollars ($10) will not be made.
  • Appeals to the refund policy must be submitted to the Enrollment Services Office in written form with supporting documents attached. Refund appeals must be received by the Enrollment Services Office within one year of the quarter in question.
  • A separate refund policy applies to students receiving financial aid. Tuition refunds must be returned to the financial aid account and not the student.

For summer quarter please refer to the summer quarterly class schedule for refund dates and policy.

A separate refund policy applies for students enrolling in continuing education non-credit classes.

Students forfeit all claims to refunds of tuition when:

  • They discontinue their class or classes without completing the proper forms and procedures.
  • They withdraw after the 15th calendar day of the quarter or after 25 percent of the course or program has elapsed, whichever comes first.
  • They discontinue their class or classes because of misconduct.
  • The Board of Trustees indicates in the college catalog, quarterly class schedule, or course announcement, that such fees are nonrefundable.

Please note these additional conditions:

  • Course fees for self-supporting, continuing education and some Kent Campus classes are exempt from this refund policy. (Contact the Continuing and Community Education Office or Kent Campus for further information.)
  • Exceptions may be made for medical reasons or unforeseen military duty. A written appeal must be sent to the registrar with documented proof.
  • Students who have paid fees for equipment or materials that have a return or refund value must have the responsible instructor or staff person complete the appropriate form approving the refund.
  • Co-op, technology, and facility fees will be refunded for withdrawals through the first day of the quarter (or prior to or on the first session of class for identified late-start classes that begin after the first week of the quarter).
  • Other fees that are non-refundable and not subject to this policy will be set by the college’s Board of Trustees and identified as such in the quarterly class schedule.
  • Special services fee (50 cents per credit) will be refunded for withdrawals through the first day of the quarter (or prior to or on the first session of class for identified late-start classes that begin after the first week of the quarter).

Complete Withdrawal from College

We strongly encourage students to discuss any plans for withdrawal with their faculty advisor or an educational planner. If students wish to terminate enrollment in the college, they must do the following:

Students may drop classes using online services through the eighth week of the quarter.

Please refer to the college’s Academic Standards and Progress Policy  in the Academic Information section of this catalog.


Change of schedule forms, which enable students to request refunds, are available in the Enrollment Services Office and on the web. Forms are also available for requesting an exception to the refund policy.


Students have the right to appeal refund decisions within one calendar year of their payment when there are special circumstances involved. All appeals must be submitted to the registrar in writing with documented proof.

Refunds/Return of Federal Financial Aid Funds

A refund of tuition and/or a repayment of grant dollars may be required for students who fail to complete any credits during a quarter (whether they have quit attending or have withdrawn, received 0.0-0.9 grades or incomplete). Green River’s tuition refund policy operates independently from the return of federal financial aid funds policy required for financial aid recipients. Tuition refunds are not returned directly to financial aid recipients; instead, they are returned to financial aid accounts.

When students withdraw from classes or quit attending before 60 percent of the quarter has elapsed, unearned Title IV federal funds (grant and loan) must be returned to the federal accounts by both the student and the college. The amount of earned and unearned funds is based upon the number of calendar days of class attendance. The percentage of assistance earned is equal to the percentage of the payment period completed. The percentage of Title IV funds not earned equals 100 percent minus the percent of Title IV aid earned. The student and the college may retain the earned portion of aid, but must return a portion of the unearned aid to the grant and loan accounts.

Residency Requirements for Tuition Paying Purposes

The state of Washington has established specific criteria for students to qualify as residents for tuition paying purposes (References: RCW 28B.15 and WAC 250.18).

A resident student is one who is a U.S. citizen, or has permanent or temporary resident status, or holds “Refugee-Parolee” or “Conditional Entrant” status with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service or is otherwise permanently residing in the United States under code of law; and be either:

  1. Financially independent student:
    1. Have established a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington primarily for purposes other than education for a period of one year immediately before the first day of the quarter for which they have registered at any institution; and
    2. Be financially independent.


  1. Financially dependent student:
    1. Be a dependent student with one or both of their parents or legal guardians having maintained a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington for at least one year immediately before the first day of the quarter for which they have registered at any institution.

Residency Reclassification

To apply for residency reclassification, students must submit the following information to Enrollment Services:

  • Residency Questionnaire
  • Required documentation to support independent or dependent status
  • Required documentation to support previous 12 months domicile in Washington

Students may apply for residency reclassification no later than the 30th calendar day of the quarter.

Refer to the Residency Reclassification Checklist for complete details. Residency questionnaires are available online, in Enrollment Services, or by calling (253) 833-9111, ext. 2500.

HB 1079 Waiver

Effective July 1, 2003, Washington state law was changed, presumed undocumented students or non-immigrant visa holders who meet certain criteria are eligible for resident student status and resident tuition rates. To qualify students must meet the following: have resided in Washington state for 3 years immediately prior to receiving a high school diploma, completed their full senior year at a Washington high school or completed the equivalent of a high school diploma in Washington State, have completed an affidavit promising to apply for permanent residency in the United States at the earliest possible opportunity and indicate a willingness to engage in activities necessary to acquire citizenship.

Waitlist Procedure

How do students get into a class that is full?

Entry codes will not allow students to by-pass the waitlist option and register themselves into a full class. The waitlist process works as follows:

  • Web or in-person registration will provide the option to waitlist into a full class. All prerequisites must be met to be added to a waitlist.
  • Students can add their name to three separate waitlists - an example would be math, English and chemistry.
  • Students should review their schedule every few days via the web to see if they have been added to the class they were waitlisted for.
  • Enrollment Services will notify students by email when they have been moved off the waitlist and into the class.
  • Students are responsible for making sure their schedule is accurate by dropping any unwanted classes. Failure to do so will result in a 0.0 grade being posted to their transcript and possible extra tuition and fees.
  • Students can remove their name from a waitlist through Online Services, selecting Waitlist Manager, or by contacting Enrollment Services to request they be removed from a class waitlist.
  • Waitlists are deactivated two (2) days prior to the start of the quarter to allow schedules and class rosters to be printed the day before the quarter starts.
  • If any students have not received notification by the first day of the quarter that their waitlist status has changed, they need to attend the first session and/or send an email for online classes to identify themselves to the instructor.
  • Attending the first class session will not guarantee admittance in to the class.

Students are responsible for the accuracy of their class schedule. If a student is registered for a class they no longer plan to attend, they should withdraw from the class online, or stop by Enrollment Services for procedures to withdraw from the class.

Students that default on any financial obligations to Green River College are responsible for collection fees, attorney fees, court fees, and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the collection of any debt, in accordance with RCW 28B.10.293 and RCW 19.16.500.