Feb 16, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Other Learning Options

Associate Development Degree, ASD

The Associate Development degree allows students to explore different subject areas as they prepare for a career. The flexibility of the degree allows students to customize course requirements to fit their professional goals while simultaneously ensuring competence in core learning outcome areas. The degree is not intended for students planning to transfer to a university.

Associate Development Degree Requirements:

  1. Complete a minimum of 90 credits in the courses offered at GRC. Basic Education (BASIC), English Language Learning (ELL), and courses designated as High School Diploma only do not count toward the required 90 credits.
  2. Earn a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  3. Complete a minimum of 24 credits at Green River. Online courses are recognized as part of the 24 credits.
  4. No more that 25 percent of the credits may be earned on a pass/no-credit basis.
  5. Consider that the credits identified in each of the following options are counted as part of the 90 credits required for the degree. Students must complete one of the options:

Option 1: Complete a Green River certificate program of 45 credits or more.

Option 2: Complete the following:

  • A Green River certificate program of 25 credits or more with one course satisfying the written or oral communication requirement of any degree or program at Green River,
  • One course satisfying the quantitative skills and symbolic reasoning or computation requirement of any degree or program at Green River, and
  • One course satisfying the human relations requirement of any degree or program at Green River.

Option 3: Meet with a faculty advisor and custom design a program of study. The program of study must include the following:

  1. Twenty-five credits or more in courses which specifically prepare a student for employment in an identified specialty area. Courses may be from academic, as well as professional/technical areas,
  2. one course satisfying the quantitative and symbolic reasoning or computation requirement of any degree or program at Green River,
  3. one course satisfying the written or oral communication requirement of any degree or program at Green River, and
  4. one course satisfying the human relations requirement of any degree or program at Green River learning outcomes aligned with identified specialty area and selected courses.

Understand that the program of study must be signed by the advisor and the student. The plan becomes a permanent part of the student’s record.


High School Equivalency Test Certificate (HSE)

Green River offers high school equivalency test preparation classes to assist the student in preparing for the tests. Classes are available for students who are 16 years of age or older. Students under the age of 19 must have the appropriate signed release from their high school to enroll in high school equivalency test preparation classes and to take high school equivalency test. Additional information is available online at the Green River website, in the course description portion of this catalog, and in the quarterly class schedule.

The high school equivalency test credential is recognized by most employers and colleges. Ninety five percent of U.S. colleges and universities recognize the high school equivalency test credential. More than half of high school equivalency credential test-takers intend to go to college or postsecondary training. Green River is a test site for the high school equivalency test. Please contact the Assessment and Testing Center at ext. 2650 to ask about high school equivalency testing days, times and fees.

High School Diploma (HSD)

Green River College’s High School Completion Program is an alternative way to earn a high school diploma. Although originally designed for adult students 19 years and older, students 16-18 may participate. Successful students meet Washington State and Green River College requirements for graduation and are issued an official State of Washington high school diploma. Students must complete a minimum of one credit at Green River in order to earn a high school diploma from Green River.

Washington State Graduation requirements differ depending on the student’s age and academic history. As a result, every student’s situation is unique. This makes it essential that all students meet with an advisor/ educational planner/case manager to review which classes are necessary to complete their diploma.

GRC HS Diploma Pathways

Green River College offers a comprehensive array of programs for earning a high school diploma. Students may qualify for one or more pathways for earning a high school diploma. These options include:

  • Traditional High School Completion (HSC) Option - Students 16 and over may earn a diploma by earning credits for a high school diploma through the high school completion program. Students may be eligible for reduced tuition.
  • Youth Re-engagement Program Option - Domestic students age 16 to 21 may earn a diploma at Green River through a partnership with the Kent School District, Open Doors Program.
  • International students - Students studying here on F-1 Visas earn their high school diploma by working with advising in International Programs.
  • HS21+ is a competency-based high school diploma program for students who will be 21 or older when they complete the program. It is designed for adults who have gained knowledge, skills, and abilities from basic skills courses, life, and work experience.
  • Associate Degree Option - students age 21 or older, upon earning their AA-DTA Degree will be granted a HS diploma upon request.

Students will need to pay careful attention to the requirements for their particular diploma program and consult their advisor to ensure they are taking the correct classes to complete their degree.

In order for Green River College to issue a diploma all OSPI requirements must be met.

GRC HS Diploma Requirements

  1. Completing a minimum number of credits in core content areas (See the following page  to see which Green River classes meet the high school course requirements).
  2. Complete a High School and Beyond Plan
  3. Pass state tests or approved alternatives to those tests. These tests include the Smarter Balanced, WCAS or WA-AIM and/or the EOC (End of Course Exam).

The next section details how the test requirements may be met.

GRC HS Diploma Testing Requirements

In addition to completing required courses, students must pass exit exams, or state approved alternatives, in English Language arts (ELA), math and science. If a student previously passed the Smarter Balanced, WCAS and WA-AIM, they do not need to take another exit exam.

Green River is not a Smarter Balanced, WCAS or WA-AIM test site but students can connect with their local school district for instructions on taking the test at a high school. Washington state resident students must take the Smarter Balanced exam once after 10th grade before accessing a Certificate of Academic/Individual Achievement (CAA) Option. Students from private schools within the state do not need to take the Smarter Balanced exam first before accessing CAA Option alternative tests.

Students who transfer into a Washington public school from another state or from an in-state non-public school setting (private or home school) after the state administration of the Smarter Balanced Assessments in spring of 10th grade may be eligible to access graduation alternatives without first attempting a state test. In addition, out of state/country transfer students may also access the CAA Option tests alternatives. Students taking these exams need to will need to speak with an advisor to complete a score verification form.

Smarter Balanced: English language arts (ELA) and math tests

Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS): Science test for grades 5, 8 and 11

Washington - Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM): ELA, math, and science alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive challenges documented in their Individualized Education Program (IEP)


Approved CAA Options test alternatives currently accepted by Green River ~ AP and SAT/ACT

These options allow students to meet state-determined minimum test area scores to substitute for the Smarter Balanced.

CAA Option category minimum requirements are provided on the tables below for using SAT, ACT, or AP test scores

Class of 2017-2020:

Graduation Assessment Requirement  SAT with Essay (March 2016 or later) SAT (March 2016 or later) ACT with Writing ACT (no Writing) 
Mathematics 430 430 16 16
English Language Arts 410 N/A 14 N/A

Class of 2016 and prior:

Graduation Assessment Requirement OLD SAT (prior to March 2016) SAT with Essay (March 2016 or later) SAT (March 2016 or later) OLD ACT with Writing (prior to September 2016) ACT (no Writing)
Mathematics 390 430 430 16 16
Reading 350 19 19 13 13
Writing 380 22 N/A 15 N/A


Students must earn a score of 3 or higher on eligible AP exam or 4 or higher on eligible IB tests:

Graduation Assessment Requirement AP Exams IB Tests [must be at the Higher Level (HL)]
Mathematics Calculus or Statistics Mathematics or Further Mathematics
English Language Arts
  • English Language and Composition
  • English Literature and Composition
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Psychology
  • United States History
  • World History
  • United States Government and Politics
  • Comparative Government and Politics
  • Language A: Literature
  • Language A: Language and Literature
  • Business and Management
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Information Technology Is a Global Society
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology or
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology
Reading (Class of 2016 and earlier) English Literature and Composition, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, United States History, World History, United States Government and Politics, or Comparative Government and Politics Language A: Literature, Language A: Language and Literature, Business and Management, Economics, Geography, History, Information Technology Is a Global Society, Philosophy, Psychology or Social and Cultural Anthropology
Writing (Class of 2016 and earlier) English Language and Composition

Course Articulation Policy

If a student transfers an individual course (from a Washington state high school or community and technical college) that meets a specific state high school requirement category at the sending institution, that course is considered to have met that requirement at Green River, even if this course does not have an exact equivalent. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the articulation process. We recommend that incoming students work with a Green River advisor to gather appropriate documentation from their previous high school as needed. This is in accordance with OSPI guidelines for acceptance of credit and Washington state High School Diploma requirements.

Course Options for Meeting Diploma Requirements

The following page provides a list of Washington State high school graduation requirements and the Green River classes that will meet those requirements. Students must pay careful attention to the graduation requirements for their particular graduation year and diploma pathway by consulting with their advisor. This will ensure they take the correct courses to earn their diploma.

High School Diploma, HSD  


Other Programs