Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Transfer

Green River College is fully accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), as well as by several discipline related bodies. The college has completed numerous evaluation processes and has been recognized for performance, integrity and quality. This is important for students who plan to transfer credits to other colleges. Academic courses will usually be accepted by other institutions offering the same (or similar) courses. However, each institution has its own transfer policy and transferability should never be assumed. The Green River Career and Advising Center staff can assist you with your transfer questions. The Transfer Resource Center features a library of catalogs from universities, transfer guides, and information about transfer policies and transfer requirements. This information can also be found online through the Transfer Center website at

Students should be aware that courses with “Pass” grades may not satisfy the requirements in their major field. Students are responsible for knowing transfer requirements and policies, and they are urged to consult the catalog of the institution to which they plan to transfer. Students should also consult that catalog and website when meeting with their Green River advisor.

Many transfer institutions expect students to be “major ready” by the time they transfer. This means that students need to declare their majors earlier and carefully plan which courses will meet their distribution requirements, as well as meet the admission requirements for a particular field of study. For example, students who wish to major in business will need to include additional math, economics and accounting sequences in their coursework. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their community college advisor, as well as an advisor from their transfer institution to verify their choices.

Articulation Agreements

Green River is a member of the Inter-College Relations Commission (ICRC), and Green River’s Associate in Arts Degree, AA-DTA , Associate in Business, AB-DTA/MRP , Associate in Math Education, AM-DTA/MRP , Associate in Pre-Nursing, APreN-DTA/MRP , Associate in Computer Science, ACS-DTA/MRP  and Associate in Science-Transfer-AS-T degrees comply with ICRC recommendations for transfer degrees within Washington. ICRC has developed a direct transfer agreement (DTA) with Washington community colleges. This ensures that students who complete a designated direct transfer degree at a community college will have satisfied all or most of the general education (or core) requirements at the various universities in the state. For most transfer students, this means that they can begin work on their specialized, major-area course work as soon as they transfer. International students must contact an advisor in the International Programs office to help create an educational plan specific to their needs. During the school year, representatives from various colleges and universities visit the campus to meet with students about transfer requirements. Students should watch for notices in campus publications, on Green River’s website, or call the Career and Advising Center at ext. 2641.

Associate in Arts Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA) 

Effective January 2014

The Associate in Arts is a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)  degree designed for students who plan to transfer to a university after completing the first two years of study at Green River. The degree is recommended for students who have not yet decided the field they will enter or the university they will attend. It gives students the broad background they need before beginning more specialized, upper-division courses and indicates that a student has completed a two-year liberal arts program.

Once admitted to an institution subscribing to these guidelines, the degree holder will be granted junior status and will have fulfilled most of the lower division general education requirements of baccalaureate degree programs offered by many public and independent colleges and universities in Washington State.

The following colleges subscribe to these guidelines and provide the following advising notes:

Bastyr University
Although a student transferring to Bastyr University who has earned a Washington State DTA Associate degree will enter Bastyr having satisfied all General Education requirements, Basic Proficiency and Science Requirements are reviewed for transfer on a case by case basis.

Central Washington University

City University

Cornish College of the Arts

A student transferring to Cornish College of the Arts who has earned a DTA Associate degree will transfer sufficient credits to complete the Humanities and Sciences requirements for the BFA or BMus degree.

Transfer credit for major and college elective courses will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Courses are subject to the transfer guidelines established by Cornish College of the Arts and may be approved for transfer after the student completes a portfolio review or audition.

Eastern Washington University

Gonzaga University
Students with an earned DTA Associate degree have fulfilled many of the requirements of the University Core Curriculum, as well as additional requirements for the College of Arts & Sciences. University Core requirements to be completed upon transfer include: First-Year Seminar, Christianity & Catholic Traditions, and Core Integration Seminar. Students will also take a major-appropriate college mathematics course, Reasoning, Human Nature, and Ethics, unless they have already fulfilled these requirements. Communication & Speech is recommended, but not required, for students who have not completed a course in speaking skills.

Heritage University

Northwest Indian College

Northwest University
Northwest University accepts the DTA Associate degree from public community and technical colleges in Washington State. Students earning these degrees are granted an automatic 60 semester credits and junior class standing. For most degrees, the Core Curriculum Requirements, with the exception of the Biblical Literacy and Formation and Calling requirements, are satisfied. Majors with program-specific Core Curriculum requirements do not have all General Education Requirements automatically satisfied by the DTA Associate degree. Students must complete these specific courses either as part of the DTA Associate degree or at Northwest University. These program specific courses may also require higher than the C- minimum standard for transfer.

Pacific Lutheran University
Students who have completed the appropriate DTA Associate degree from any community college in Washington will be admitted with junior standing (60-64 semester hours) and will be regarded as having satisfied General University Requirements, except for one Religion course (Biblical Studies or Christian Thought, History, and Experience) and one Perspectives on Diversity course. PLU’s College of Arts and Sciences requirement is not fulfilled by the DTA Associate degree.

Saint Martin’s University
Saint Martin’s University recognizes the DTA Associate degree from Washington’s community and technical Colleges. Students completing the DTA Associate degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0 will be granted junior standing upon transfer. These students will have met the Saint Martin’s general education requirements with the exception of a course each in philosophy (transferable) and religious studies (generally completed at Saint Martin’s University).

Seattle Pacific University
Upon first matriculation at SPU, students who enter with a completed DTA Associate degree will fulfill all University general education requirements except 10 upper-division credits in University Foundations.

Seattle University
Students admitted to Seattle University for the first time with a completed DTA Associate degree will be granted 90 credits and junior standing. The following provisions apply: 1) Courses used to satisfy the DTA Associate degree communication skills, quantitative/symbolic reasoning skills as well as the lab science requirement must be graded C- (1.5) or higher; 2) Additional philosophy and religious studies courses will be required to satisfy lower division Core at SU; 3) Specific requirements of professional degree programs and upper division Core must be satisfied.

The Evergreen State College

University of Washington Bothell
The University of Washington Bothell transfers credit on a course by course basis. Transfer students from Washington community and technical colleges who complete approved DTA Associate degrees, will be considered to have satisfied all or most of our general education requirements with the following provisos:

  • Intermediate Algebra and World Languages are the core minimum admission requirements required for transfer applicants with 40+ college credits. These can be met through high school or college coursework. If not satisfied in high school, students should be sure to include any missing core admission requirements in their education plan for the DTA Associate degree.
  • 5 credits of English composition should be completed with a minimum grade of 2.0
  • 10 additional writing credits (Composition or W-courses) must be completed at the University, if not completed as part of the transfer degree.
  • QSR courses will transfer according to the following course equivalency tables:
  • All students must complete 3 quarter credits of coursework to satisfy the university diversity requirement. Upper division coursework may be used to satisfy this requirement.

University of Washington Seattle
The University of Washington awards transfer credit on a course by course basis. Students transferring directly from a Washington community college with a DTA Associate degree will have satisfied most of the UW’s university-wide general education requirements with the following exceptions:

  1. In addition to the English composition requirement, all students must complete a minimum of 7 quarter credits of writing-intensive coursework. Upper division course work may be used to satisfy this requirement. See
  2. All students must complete 3 quarter credits of coursework to satisfy the university diversity requirement. Upper division course work may be used to satisfy this requirement. See
  3. Each of the University’s schools and colleges has graduation requirements that meet or exceed university-wide general education requirements. Students entering the UW with a DTA Associate degree are not required to complete the additional graduation requirements prior to enrolling at the UW. Any unmet requirements may be satisfied at the upper division level upon enrolling at the UW. See

NOTE: Admission to the UW is competitive. Prospective students should be advised that all freshmen and transfer students must meet a set of minimum admission subject requirements which include qualifying high school or college coursework in a world language and in mathematics. For complete information about admission subject requirements, go to

University of Washington Tacoma
The University of Washington Tacoma transfers credit on a course by course basis. Transfer students from Washington community and technical colleges who complete approved DTA Associate degrees, will be considered to have satisfied all or most of UW Tacoma’s general education requirements with the following provisos:

  • Prospective students should be advised that all freshmen and transfer students must meet a set of minimum admission subject requirements which include qualifying high school or college coursework in a world language and intermediate algebra. If not satisfied in high school, students should be sure to include any missing core admission requirements in their education plan for the DTA Associate degree. See
  • 5 credits of English composition should be completed with a minimum grade of 2.0. Additionally, students must complete a minimum of 10 quarter credits of writing-intensive coursework at the University, if not completed as part of the transfer degree, for a total of 15 credits. Upper division course work may be used to satisfy this requirement. See
  • All students must complete 3 quarter credits of coursework to satisfy the university diversity requirement. Upper division course work may be used to satisfy this requirement. See

Each of the University’s schools and colleges has graduation requirements that meet or exceed university-wide general education requirements. Students entering the UW Tacoma with a DTA Associate degree are not required to complete the additional graduation requirements prior to enrolling at the UW. Any unmet requirements may be satisfied at the upper division level upon enrolling at the UW Tacoma. See

Walla Walla University

Washington State University (all campuses)

Western Governors University - Washington

Western Washington University
Satisfying Western’s General University Requirements (GUR) in full requires completing English Composition with a grade of C- or better or earning an Advanced Placement (AP) score of 4 or higher on either English Language & Composition or English Literature & Composition.

Whitworth University
Whitworth University grants junior standing to holders of the DTA Associate degree. In addition, transfer students are required to complete the one-course Biblical literature.

Requirements: one year of study in the same modern language at the college level, and one of the three interdisciplinary Western Civilization Core courses (Core 150, Core 250, Core 350).

Effective Fall term 2012 we will accept in transfer only courses that have a grade of “C” or higher. We do plan to make exception to that policy and continue to accept grades of “C-“or higher for all Washington Community College courses through Fall term 2013.


Major Related Programs (MRP) help students prepare to transfer into high demand bachelor’s degree programs that require specific courses in the first two years. Business, computer science, and nursing are a few examples. Each MRP is based one of the statewide transfer agreements: Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) or the Associate in Science-Transfer (AS-T) and can reduce the time it takes to complete a specific bachelor degree pathway.

Institutions that accept the DTA Associate degree also accept any Major Related Program (MRP) course plan based on the DTA Associate degree. If the institution did not sign the MRP agreement, it means they will accept the DTA/MRP as they would the basic DTA Associate degree.

Associate in Business DTA/MRP 

Effective July 1, 2017

The Associate in Business Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program  degree is generally pursued by students who plan to transfer to a four-year university as a business or accounting major after completing their first two years at Green River. It is designed to meet the distribution requirements at universities in Washington State by fulfilling the general requirements taken by freshman and sophomores. The degree also indicates that a student has completed a two-year business program, which may be of value in career or lifetime goals.

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
The Evergreen State College
University of Washington (all campuses)
Washington State University (all campuses)
Western Washington University

Private Baccalaureates:
Gonzaga University
Heritage University
Pacific Lutheran University
Saint Martin’s University
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Walla Walla University
Whitworth University


Associate in Math Education-DTA/MRP 

Effective July 1, 2003, Updated July 2017

The Associate in Math Education Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program  degree was created to aid students interested in careers as secondary math teachers. Future secondary teachers must pursue a major in their field, as well as entrance into a school of education. As a result, there is little room for electives.

This degree is intended to ensure that graduates of Green River are as well prepared as their counterparts at four-year colleges. The transferability of these degrees is backed by a statewide articulation agreement with teacher-training universities. In addition, this degree is accepted by baccalaureate institutions in the state of Washington under the Direct Transfer Agreement. It will fulfill the general education requirements at Washington state transfer institutions.

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
Western Washington University
Washington State University


Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP 

Effective May 3, 2005, Updated July 2018

The Associate in Pre-Nursing Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program   degree is generally pursued by students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university at the junior level to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (BSN). This degree is designed to meet the distribution requirements at universities in Washington State, by fulfilling the general requirements taken by freshmen and sophomores.

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
University of Washington - Seattle
Washington State University

Private Baccalaureates:
Pacific Lutheran University
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Walla Walla University


Associate in Computer Science DTA/MRP 

Effective September 1, 2016

This Associate in Computer Science Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program  degree is designed to provide a pathway for students preparing for computer science and related majors at universities and colleges in the state of Washington. Computer science programs are competitive and this pathway intends to provide students with the needed information and skills to optimize their coursework to meet the Direct Transfer Agreement and prepare for computer science and related majors at a participating baccalaureate institutions. The curriculum is not intended to fulfill General Education/University (GER/GUR) requirements, but to prepare prospective transfer science students to enter the state universities with junior standing, not only in credits but also with major/program preparation.

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
The Evergreen State College
University of Washington (all campuses)
Washington State University
Western Washington University

Private Baccalaureates:
Gonzaga University
Heritage University
Pacific Lutheran University
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Whitworth University


Associate of Science Transfer Degree Track 1: Biological Sciences, Environmental/Resource Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, and Earth Science 

Effective Fall 2000, Updated Spring 2017

The Associate of Science Transfer (AS-T) Degree Track 1  is designed to prepare students for upper division study in the areas of biological sciences, environmental/resource sciences, chemistry, geology, and earth science. Completing the AS-T Track 1 degree will prepare students for upper division study; it does not guarantee students admission to the major

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
The Evergreen State College
University of Washington
Washington State University
Western Washington University

Private Baccalaureates:
Heritage University
Pacific Lutheran University
Saint Martin’s University
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Walla Walla University
Whitworth University


Associate of Science Transfer Degree Track 2: Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences 

Effective Fall 2000, Updated Spring 2017

The Associate of Science Transfer (AS-T) Degree Track 2  is designed to prepare students for upper division study in the areas of engineering, computer science, physics, and atmospheric science. Completing the AS-T Track 2 degree will prepare students for upper division study; it does not guarantee students admission to the major.

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
The Evergreen State College
University of Washington
Washington State University
Western Washington University

Private Baccalaureates:
Gonzaga University
Heritage University
Saint Martin’s University
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Walla Walla University


Engineering AS-T Track 2 MRP

Effective September 1, 2009

The Associate in Science Transfer-Track 2/Major Related Program in Engineering degrees (Bioengineering and Chemical Pre-Engineering , Computer and Electrical Pre-Engineering  & Mechanical/Civil/Aeronautical/Industrial/Materials Science ) encompasses some general education courses required of first- and second-year students and is intended to prepare students planning to transfer to a university in the science-related fields. It will give students the broad background needed before beginning more specialized, upper-division courses. The curriculum is not intended to fulfill General Education/University (GER/GUR) requirements, but to prepare prospective transfer science students to enter the state universities with junior standing, not only in credits but also with major/program preparation.

Institutions party to this agreement are:

Public Baccalaureates:
University of Washington - Seattle
Washington State University
Eastern Washington University

Private Baccalaureates:
Gonzaga University
Saint Martin’s University
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Walla Walla University

Distribution Lists

Most transfer degrees consist of courses from four distribution course lists.

  • Humanities/Fine Arts/English  
  • Social Science  
  • Natural Science  
  • Diversity Requirement  

Transfer Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Students have the right to clear, accurate, and current information about their transfer admission requirements, transfer admission deadlines, degree requirements, and transfer policies that include course equivalencies.
  2. Transfer and freshman-entry students have the right to expect comparable standards for regular admission to programs and comparable program requirements.
  3. Students have the right to seek clarification regarding their transfer evaluation and may request the reconsideration of any aspect of that evaluation. In response, the college will follow established practices and processes for reviewing its transfer credit decisions.
  4. Students who encounter other transfer difficulties have the right to seek resolution. Each institution will have a defined process for resolution that is published and readily available to students.
  5. Students have the responsibility to complete all materials required for admission and to submit the application on or before the published deadlines. Students have the responsibility to plan their courses of study by referring to the specific published degree requirements of the college or academic program in which they intend to earn a bachelor’s degree.
  6. When a student changes a major or degree program, the student assumes full responsibility for meeting the new requirements.

College and University Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Colleges and universities have the right and authority to determine program requirements and course offerings in accordance with their institutional missions.
  2. Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate and publish their requirements and course offerings to students and the public, including information about student transfer rights and responsibilities.
  3. Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate their admission and transfer related decisions to students in writing (electronic or paper).

Washington 45 - List of One Year Transfer Courses

The list of courses in Washington 45 does not replace the Direct Transfer Agreement, Associate of Science Tracks 1 and 2 or any Major Related Program agreement, nor will it guarantee admission to a four-year institution.

A student who completes courses selected from within the general education categories listed below at a public community, technical, four-year college or university in Washington State will be able to transfer and apply a maximum of 45 quarter credits toward general education requirement(s) at any other public and most private higher education institutions in the state.1

For transfer purposes, a student must have a minimum grade of C or better (2.0 or above) in each course completed from this list.

Students who transfer Washington 45 courses must still meet a receiving institution’s admission requirements and eventually satisfy all their general education requirements and their degree requirements in major, minor and professional programs.

“First Year Transfer List” of general education courses

  • Communications (5 credits)-ENGL& 101 , ENGL& 102
  • Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (5 credits)-MATH& 107 , MATH& 148  or MATH& 151 
  • Humanities (10 credits in two different subject areas or disciplines2)-PHIL& 101 , MUSC& 105 , DRMA& 101 , ENGL& 111, or HUM& 101 For colleges that use History as a Humanities HIST& 116, HIST& 117, HIST& 118, HIST& 146, HIST& 147, HIST& 148)
  • Social Science (10 credits in two different subject areas or disciplines)-PSYC& 100 , SOC& 101 , POLS& 101 , POLS& 202  For colleges that use History as a Social Science: HIST& 116, HIST& 117, HIST& 118, HIST& 146, HIST& 147, HIST& 148
  • Natural Sciences (10 credits in two different subject areas or disciplines)-BIOL& 100 , BIOL& 160  w/ lab, ASTR& 100 , ASTR& 101  with lab, CHEM& 105, CHEM& 110  with lab, CHEM& 121  with lab, CHEM& 161 , CHEM& 162 , ENVS& 100, ENVS& 101, PHYS& 121, GEOL& 101  with lab.
  • Additional 5 credits in a different discipline can be taken from any category


  • Although these courses are listed under categories, the actual course may satisfy a different general education category at a receiving institution.
  • Green River does not offer all of these courses, and it is recommended that students work with an advisor to determine which courses can be incorporated into their Green River educational plan

1 Many private non-profit colleges and universities have distinct general education requirements. Students should check with institution(s) they plan to attend regarding application of transfer credits that will meet general education requirements.

2 Disciplines are sometimes called subject or subject-matter areas and designated by a prefix (i.e. PHIL for Philosophy and POLS for Political Science).


Associate in Pre-Professional Degree (A-PP)

While students in most college majors take the same general education requirements during their first two years, some majors demand more specialized subjects. The Associate Pre-Professional degree is designed for those students who need specific requirements that prevent them from satisfying the broad requirements of the Associate in Arts Degree, AA-DTA , Associate in Business, AB-DTA/MRP , Associate in Math Education, AM-DTA/MRP , Associate in Pre-Nursing, APreN-DTA/MRP , Associate in Computer Science, ACS-DTA/MRP  and Associate in Science-Transfer-AS-T degrees or that will enhance their program of study at the transfer institution.

If students wish to design a program to transfer to a specific department within a university, they should consult advisors at both Green River and their Transfer College or university. Students are responsible for finding out the unique requirements of the institution they plan to attend after Green River. A faculty advisor will help students plan an appropriate selection of classes to ensure that all requirements of the transfer institution are met; the program will be customized for the transfer institution of their choice. Students must present an Associate Pre-Professional degree plan to their faculty advisor for approval. The plan becomes a permanent part of the student’s record. Students should contact their faculty advisor for assistance in submitting an A-PP degree plan.


Transfer Associate