Feb 16, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Digital & Broadcast Media Concentration
27 Credits
Students may choose to complete this concentration of study and have it posted to their transcript ONLY when the student successfully completes the Associate in Arts Degree, AA-DTA . Otherwise, courses taken will transfer to four-year universities on a course-by-course basis only.
Students are urged to consult with their Green River advisor to plan their programs of study. Students are also urged to consult with a representative from the university they plan to attend.
Contact: John Knowlton - jknowlton@greenriver.edu
Requirements (17 credits)
Select 10 credits from the following courses: (10 credits)
If you are interested in the radio industry, consider taking some of these classes:
I you are interested in the other areas of the broadcast and digital media industry, consider taking some of these classes