Mar 12, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Early Childhood Education Certificate of Specialization-School Age Care (Statewide) Certificate
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20 Credits
The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Short Certificate builds on the Initial Certificate as the second “stackable certificate.” All Short Certificates provide the foundation for the ECE Washington State Credential and the ECE Associate in Applied Science Degree. Completion of the Short Certificate places students on Level 6 of the Washington State Career Lattice.
Contacts: Leslie Kessler, lkessler@greenriver.edu
Program Website: Early Childhood Education | https://www.greenriver.edu/students/academics/degrees-programs/early-childhood-education/
Program Outcomes:
- Use developmental milestones and observations of children’s behavior as a foundation for planning appropriate activities.
- Advocate for strategies that promote the cultural diversity of children, families and their communities.
- Demonstrate effective written, verbal and non-verbal communication
- Discuss current issues and trends in early childhood education.
- Identify typical and atypical growth and development (cognitive, linguistic, motor, and social).
- Positively support children’s whole development.
- Display a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the job
- Develop rapport and contribute to the work environment as a member of the instructional team.
- Practice ethical and professional standards of conduct
- Comply with laws (such as IDEA, Section 504, ADA), workplace policies, and procedures in relation to confidentiality, reporting of abuse, discipline, chain of command and delegation and supervision.
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