Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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SPAN 291 - Latin America in Film (Spanish)

Credits: 5
Explores the relationship between film and cultural interpretation and understanding of Latin America. Considers the history of cinema in Latin America. Focuses on how film has been used to interpret Latin American culture and how we can use it to understand Latin American past and present with special emphasis on discussing the complex history and social problems of the region. Also explores common stereotypes with which Latin America has been portrayed in mainstream U.S. movies. Knowledge of Spanish language required. Spanish 291 is cross-listed with LAS 191  and FILM 191  

Enrollment Requirement: Eligible for ENGL 99  and completion of SPAN& 223 ; or instructor consent.

Satisfies Requirement: Humanities/Fine Arts/English and Diversity
Course Fee: $3.00

Course Outcomes:
Students who successfully complete this class will be able to:

  1. Interpret and discuss in Spanish art movies that deal with cultural and historical issues relating to multiple identities, histories cultures, perspectives, contributions, knowledge, struggles and strategies of historically excluded groups in Latin America.
  2. Acquire a general knowledge of Latin American history and culture in Spanish.
  3. Identify the stereotypes with which Latin America has been portrayed in mainstream US movies and will be able to discuss their own preconceptions and/or experiences.
  4. Use movies as a tool for understanding complex social realities.
  5. Connect theoretical reading with movies while practicing Spanish.

Program Outcomes
Analyze cultural perspectives and values of a multicultural world.

College-wide Outcomes
  • Critical Thinking - Critical thinking finds expression in all disciplines and everyday life. It is characterized by an ability to reflect upon thinking patterns, including the role of emotions on thoughts, and to rigorously assess the quality of thought through its work products. Critical thinkers routinely evaluate thinking processes and alter them, as necessary, to facilitate an improvement in their thinking and potentially foster certain dispositions or intellectual traits over time.
  • Diversity and Equity - In order to advance equity and social justice, students will be able to examine their own and others’ identities, behaviors, and/or cultural perspectives as they connect to power, privilege, and/or resistance.

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